
一些事  •  扫码分享







 业界知名权威精彩演讲
 150+国内互联网,电商,零售,服装,化妆品,家电数码,汽车,金融,航空,房地产,传媒/广告,公关等相关企业决策人交流

 “互联网+”下一步怎么走?
 正确定位虚拟现实移动视频广告
 数据驱动,跨渠道销售
 通过个性化的沟通方式实时地与消费者保持互动,增强与用户的黏性
 人工智能时代,百度的智能营销策略
 虚拟现实如何惊艳品牌的用户体验
 大数据驱动下的电子商务和品牌营销
 小组讨论:消费升级的时代背景下,创造优质内容,挖掘品牌IP
 品牌传播之路:用内容营销吸引消费者
 构建以客户为核心的营销模式
 测量内容营销投资回报率的关键绩效指标
 品牌在直播平台上争得一席之地时,如何使营销落地,流量表现?
 虚拟现实/增强现实技术将如何影响程序化购买?
 海尔的社交客户关系管理探索与实践
 揭秘创意营销的秘诀
 拥抱忠粉的最佳渠道
 用户是如何影响、塑造公司业务的;复杂数字世界,如何跨渠道营销
 小米,营销新世界



联系人:Jennifer Yu
电话:+86 21 6605 9539 -802
手机:+86 139 1671 3884
传真:+86 21 6605 2939


5th China Digital Marketing Innovation Summit

“5th China Digital Marketing Innovation Summit” will be held in Crowne Plaza Shanghai Noah Square on March 9th -10th , 2017.. The Summit is organized by ECV International Shanghai Co., Ltd.

According to the 2015--2020 China's Internet of Things Market Operation Situation and Investment Prospects Assessment Report published by China Industrial Information Network (http://www.chyxx.com): Currently, China's digital marketing is in rapid growth, and in the past 3 years, the yearly market growth was above 40% on average, highlighting the mobile APP development trend of digital marketing, and in the future mobile APP will become the main battlefield of advertising & marketing.

With the development of VR, AR, intelligent experience store, digital interactive advertising and other new technologies, a brand by virtue of technology can reshape the user experience scenarios, bring immerse user experience, build brand new communication & dialogue environment with users, and thereby enhance user's in-depth brand recognition and emotional connection. Users change from passive recipients to part of the experience and active participation in brand marketing, prospective consumers are more likely to become actual consumers and spread this kind of experience.

Along with users consumption personalization and communication channels diversification, the value of content is rediscovered, to inspire creative marketing professionals who should consider more from the user's point of view, so that technology and content will better serve the original intention of brand communication.

The focus of this conference is to explore how to integrate mobile digital marketing strategy, achieve user-centric creative content, interactive marketing technology, new visual marketing technology, native advertising, and smart marketing, and enhance personalized experience business model transformation, help enterprises to complete the digital transition in the mobile Internet era.

This summit will include:

 Wonderful Speeches by the Executives of Well-known Social Media Platform and Relative Enterprises
 Over 150 C-level executives and decision-makers of medium to large organizations from garments, consumer goods, cosmetics, home appliances and digital products, finance, aviation, automobile, real estate, media/public relations,
advertising, electric power and automation,
consulting firms ,etc.

The summit will focus on the hot topics as below:

 Where Next for the “Internet Plus” Initiative?
 Getting it Right with VR Mobile Video Advertising
 Data-driven Cross-channel Engagement
 Reach Consumers with Personalized ,Relevant Communications in Real Time
 Baidu’s Smart Marketing Strategy in the AI Age
 How VR is Amazing Brand Experiences
 Panel Discussion: Creating High -quality Content, Taping Brand IP under the Background of Consumption upgrade
 DT Driven Ecommerce& Brand Marketing
 The Road to Brand Broadcasting: Engaging the C Suite with Content Marketing
 Building a Customer-obsessed Operating Model
 KPIs for Measuring Content Marketing ROI
 How Brand Compete on Live Platform , Make Marketing ROI , Flow Performance
 How will VR/AR Impact Programmatic?
 The Exploration and Practice of SCRM from Haier
 Cracking the Code of Creativity
 The Best Way to Engage your Loyalty Fans
 How the User is Shaping your Business ;Multi-channel Marketing in a Complex Digital World
 Xiaomi ,the New World of Marketing

More details, please visit our official website:

China Digital Marketing Innovation Summit 2017

Contact Us:
More Forum Information
Ms. Jennifer Yu
Tel: +86 21 66059539-802
Mob: +86 139 1671 3884
Fax:+86 21 6605 2939
E-mail: Jennifery@ecvinternational.com

本文链接: http://www.yixieshi.com/68168.html (转载请保留)

